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Thank you for your service with the Police Department!
This page is is designed for retirees. Are you a current employee thinking about retirement?
You will instead want to review the Retirement Guide for Sworn Police.
As a retiree, The City is still here to support you. Please do not hesitate to reach out any time if you have questions.
Medicare Information - If Retirement Was Before Age 65
As you may be aware, you must sign up for Medicare at age 65 even if you stayed on the City's insurance after retirement. At that time, your insurance through BlueCross BlueShield will become supplemental to Medicare.
At this time, you may:
Keep your BlueCross BlueShield insurance as supplemental coverage
Drop your BlueCross BlueShield insurance and pick up supplemental coverage through Benistar
Drop your BlueCross BlueShield insurance and either enroll in supplemental coverage elsewhere or have no supplemental coverage
Human Resources has some knowledge regarding Medicare and supplemental insurance, however, a representative from Gallagher is available to discuss these decisions in substantially more detail. Please reach out to Human Resources if you are interested in scheduling a meeting over the phone and we will coordinate with Gallagher.
Medicare Information - If Retirement Was After Age 65
For any questions related to your BlueCross BlueShield insurance, please reach out to Human Resources.
Please note the City does not manage benefits through Benistar.
For questions regarding that coverage you will need to reach out to them directly through the contact information listed below.
Contact Information
Medical Insurance and Dental Insurance
City of Highland Park Human Resources
Emily Taub, Assistant City Manager
847.926.1005 -
Nick Barnes, Assistant HR Manager
847.926.1013 -
Deferred Compensation
877.677.3678 -
800.669.7400 -
800.343.0860 -
Police Pension
Andrew Cumba, Police Pension Board
877.486.2048 -
Click Here for Retiree Forms
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